5 Ways to Encourage Creativity in Your Kids

Creating something is one of the primary joys in life. I can't think of anything more satisfying than putting my hand to something and creating beauty. Our children are the same way. It is why they want to show you every drawing or dance or lego creation they come up with. They are proud and satisfied with their work, and they want to bring you into their joy. Just yesterday, my 5-year-old was coloring a picture print out of a bird. She got the bird all colored and then drew in her own branches and leaves to make it look like the bird was in a tree. She was ecstatic about her creation! She went to everyone in the house to show it off. All of us are wired to be creative, and we want to be parents who encourage this in our children. 

 1. Take the Time to Be Creative Yourself

I often think I have to wait until my children are asleep or away to really dig into my own creativity, but this is so untrue. If I let go of having the perfect scenario, perfect quiet, ideal music, etc., I have found that I open myself up to so many more opportunities for creativity. 

I had been wanting to create a wall hanging for weeks, and I was stalling, waiting until I had the perfect amount of time alone. I finally decided to jump in and do it one day with my kids at home. It was wonderful! They were so interested in what I was doing that they busted out their own canvases and made mini wall hangings of their own. Check out our inspiration from @thisminimalhouse on Instagram. 

It is helpful, especially if you have a houseful of children, to keep a running list of creative things you want to pursue. Then, when you get a half an hour, you can jump right in instead of trying to think of an idea. 

2. Model the joy of creativity.

Your passion is contagious. In fact, there's probably nothing more contagious to your kids than your passion. We can talk to our kids until we are blue in the face, but they can sense the authenticity and feeling (or lack thereof) behind our words. Think about the teachers in your life who had the most impact. What did they all have in common? My guess? Passion for the subject matter. Most of us can point to a concrete moment when we developed a passion of our own, and much of the time, it had something to do with a person who impacted us deeply. 

Be excited about one of your creative outlets -- with your kids. Invite them in, show them what you do, and tell them why you love it. Let them see your eyes light up as you paint on a canvas or write a poem or do a craft or execute a dance.

They may not become passionate about the same outlet you are passionate about, but it could undoubtedly spark their passion for creativity in the broader sense. We may not all be artists in the traditional sense -- but that doesn't mean we're not all creative in some way or another. My husband has a friend who finds creative joy in creating fishing flies. His eyes light up when he talks about it.  Show them the way by inviting them into your passion. 

3. Give them access to different mediums.

Let your kids explore different ways to express their own creativity. It's definitely in there! It might be expressed through painting or drawing. Encourage them to try their hand at writing a poem or a song. 

Let them try dancing or building a popsicle stick house, legos, or computer coding. Creative outlets are endless! Watch them closely. See what makes their eyes light up and what creative activities they can't get enough of. Some kids might need to try many things before they find something that sparks their imagination. That's okay. You can have a great time trying new and different things together. It is part of the fun! 

Once you find something they love, invest in it. If you see a spark, fan it! 

4. Get them into nature! 

Nature has been the inspiration for so much art. Countless songs, poems, plays, and books have been written with the natural world as the muse. Why is this? I think the original creativity of God calls to our hearts in ways we can't even understand.  

Kids need to be outside for countless reasons, but one of them is to be inspired. We go for walks often, and my kids are always exclaiming, "Mom, look how beautiful the mountains look today!" or "Look how tiny this leaf is!" Nature excites them. Seeing God's creation is a gift. Looking at all the different colors and textures in nature is awe-inspiring. It feeds their souls. 

5. Let your children be bored.

Boredom is challenging for parents and children alike. Boredom is alright. It won't kill you, and it just might give you the chance to have your best idea yet! Boredom is only an opportunity for creativity. Don't always rescue your kids from it. Let them think of their own ideas. Our kids have access to so many distractions, so many screens, that they rarely have to sit and think up something interesting to do. See what happens when you give them time to do this. 

My children have made up crazy games, whole cities out of cardboard, crazy kitchen concoctions, and so much more when I let them think of their own things to do. This is such an excellent opportunity for them to grow in imagination and creativity. 

One of the fun things we do is get the whole art supply box down, set it in the middle of the table, and see what everyone comes up with; no plan, no Pinterest instructions, just plain old paints, scissors, glue, and pom-poms. Sometimes it's a disaster, but it's a glorious one!

Here are a few things we keep out that have inspired some creative play with my kids. (Link building straws, art supplies, Magna tiles, blocks.)

You might want to try this on yourself as well! When you get a moment, resist the urge to pick up your phone or turn on the TV. See what your brain comes up with on its very own.

Happy Boredom!

6. Read Books. Lots and Lots of Books!

"Children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, at other times – a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their storybooks." Charlotte Mason

Reading is the best way for your child to experience things right at home that they might never experience otherwise. It can give them access to ideas that inspire courage, kindness, thoughtfulness, beauty, and creativity. The more, the better. Give your kids access to excellent books and excellent authors. Read together, let them read alone. Talk about what you are reading. Sarah Mackenzie at Read Aloud Revival has excellent reading lists that we have used over the years, and it is a great place to start. 

"There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all." – Jacqueline Kennedy.

Help your children enlarge their world with books. As a parent, you can only expose your kids to a finite number of things in this world full of infinite beauty. Books let them explore subjects you could never teach them. 

Creativity always begins with an idea. Expose your children to an extravagance of ideas through reading.

7. Engage your community

My husband is so good at this. He is always in conversation everywhere we go, and he is always looking for ways to bring out the creativity in others and then partner with them to do some amazing things. Check out some of his recent collaborations here…

Are your kids interested in something you know nothing about? Ask around. Maybe someone in your community has some expertise. My daughter loves to sew, but I don't know anything about sewing. This summer, my mom taught her the basics, and she made her own dress! She was super proud, and she got to spend some great time with her Nana. 

If your child loves robots, ask around, there is probably someone who knows someone who could help your child dig into robot building. 

Is nature their thing? Grab some friends, go on a nature hike together, and talk about how you could recreate textures or colors you see there. Does your child love to make up stories? Find a local writer or a friend who loves to write and invite them over for a writing workshop. 

We have found people to be such an incredible asset in encouraging our creativity and our children's creativity! 

You won't regret it.

You won't regret an ounce of time or effort towards this end. These five things are sure to encourage creativity in your children, and you might find your creative juices flowing more quickly as well! Creativity sparks joy and there is never too much of that!


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